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Practice Makes Better

Gosh, have I missed skating since last winter! It was so wonderful to get back on the ice and brush up the few skills I had learned. Figure skating has always been my favorite event to watch on the Winter Olympics (which start in Beijing on February 4th, by the way! Who else is watching?) Though I'm light-years away from performing a triple axel... or any kind of axel for that matter, I still value the chance to test myself a bit each time I lace up my skates.

It's fun to observe the progress I make with each practice. Because I've reached a certain level with piano, the improvements aren't as noticeable. With skating, however, I'm such a novice that every small achievement seems like a big deal :)

Here's a short video of the "tricks" I've accomplished so far.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. ~Albert Einstein

Hope you've been inspired to work on something new as well!

Thank you for stopping by,



Michelle Bender
Michelle Bender
Feb 02, 2022

I miss skating! There is a rink that opens over the holidays near my house in L.A., but I didn't get a chance to go this year.

Feb 05, 2022
Replying to

Aw shucks, I'm sorry to hear that! I bet it's a bit difficult to maintain ice out there in LA! Hopefully next year! Or travel somewhere cold :)

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