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Porch Ponderings

Morning all! A new blog series coming your way, called "Porch Ponderings." Similar to the Monday Musings post I did a while back, but on the porch because it's that time of year! Porch-sittin' weather. So as I soak in the neighborhood's morning sounds, I'll just be sharing some loose thoughts that are bobbing around in my brain.

The Hundredth Blog Post

My biggest realization this morning was that this marks the hundredth blog post - goodness me! How exciting it was to hit the "publish" button today! When I started the blog in mid-July 2018, I wanted a place to share my love of a simple and beautiful Midwestern lifestyle. To show that "flyover country" can be just as gorgeous (if not more than) cities on the coast. I tried city living for a couple months, which was more than enough for me. I would much rather be surrounded by forests and fields than buildings and vehicles. The Heartland is my only home; it is where I'm grounded. I hope I've conveyed a little bit of this feeling in each post and that you've found some inspiration from my ramblings. :)

The blog has been slower to build an audience, but you know, that's not a bad thing. Having a small, faithful group of readers is more cozy. I have a better idea of who I'm writing to each time I publish a post, and I have time to answer any comments or questions that come up. It warms my heart when someone shares a fond memory from years ago or tells me that they've tried a recipe. I appreciate you all so much!

Calling for Questions

I'm hoping to do some updates on the website, including a new FAQ page under the About section. I've gotten some great questions already, but still need your help! Here are the inquiries so far:

  • What are your kitchen staples for ingredients and equipment? (Answered! Read this post.)

  • Where did you go to school?

  • Do you have a job?

  • Where do you put it all? (meaning dessert in relation to my figure)

  • How do you compose your music?

  • What inspires you every day?

What would you most like to know about me, the Heartland Lady "mission," or other such things? Ask away in the comments, or shoot me an email at Thank you, friends!

Spring Mood

On a similarly wonderful note, it's really spring! The birches and willows are frothy with vibrant, chartreuse blossoms. As E.E. Cummings would say, the sky is a "blue, true dream" dotted with cotton boll clouds. More and more tulips blossom each day. Everything looks refreshed, like a new opportunity, another chance. I could just squeal with delight at how lovely and green it all is. (I know spring happens every year, but I still think it deserves to be a big deal.)

For any poetry fans, you can hear the full E. E. Cummings poem set to music by Gwyneth Walker. A gorgeous piece for women's chorus, it's been a favorite of mine ever since I sang it sophomore year of college. Click the graphic below to hear it performed by the Texas All-State Women's Choir.

And remember to write in with questions! Look forward to hearing from you!

'Til next time,



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