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Fall Favorites List

Well, I think I'm past the point of no return in regards to summer. My sights are set quite keenly on fall now. There's just so much to love about this season. (Excluding the ragweed allergens of course.) Beautiful foliage, cozy textures, spicy aromas. *sigh* I'm more than ready for it. :)

I'm in heaven :)
  • Order a pumpkin spice latte at Starbuck's

  • Peruse the fall issues of your favorite magazines at Barnes & Noble

  • Bake everything with pumpkin (Pumpkin bread, pumpkin cupcakes, a pumpkin trifle...)

  • Get lost in a corn maze

  • Take photos of all the autumn gorgeousness until your phone notifies you that the storage space is nearly full ;)

  • Pick pumpkins at the nearest pumpkin patch

  • Boost your home's curb appeal with some potted mums

  • Play the classic song "Autumn Leaves." Doris Day sang it exceptionally well

  • Wear sweaters and/or flannel

  • Break out the suede boots (and give them a quick spray of suede protector to keep them safe from water damage.)

  • Curl up with an (e)book. Check out my recent favorites here!

  • Keep a small dish on the counter filled with candy corn and peanuts

  • Take a hike

  • Collect pinecones, acorns, chestnuts and the prettiest leaves as they fall to the ground

  • Take a moment each day to consider what you are grateful for. Even something small, like "I didn't hit a deer on the road today"

  • Eat a carameled apple (homemade or from a confectionery)

  • Cook up a soup and take a giant whiff each time you open the lid to stir it

  • Knit or work on some other cozy craft

  • Go to the theatre and see the Downton Abbey movie. September 20th, y'all!

  • Watch the final season of Poldark on PBS Masterpiece. The premiere is September 29th! Gaaaahhhhh!!

  • Bundle up and roast marshmallows around a campfire

What's on your list for fall? Please do share in the comments!

'Til next time,



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