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Beating Boredom

You can probably tell from reading the blog that I'm rather a quote nut. I always appreciate a good quote. Here's one that I've been saving in my notes for a while. It seemed appropriate for a time like this, when we're all cooped up at home...

Music, drawing, books, invention & exercise will be so many resources to you against ennui. ~Thomas Jefferson

Now, what is ennui? This is just a fancy French word for boredom. I first heard this term in a philosophy class when we were studying Pascal, who wrote extensively on the subject. Pascal claimed that ennui is the natural state of human being. Especially the case, I would add, for humans in lockdown. :) And most especially when the governor extends "Safer at Home" until May 26.

So anyhow, let's return to Jefferson's smart suggestions for how to beat boredom...


This would be a great time to dust off the old high school band instruments and (re)learn a song or two. It would certainly keep your mind busy... How do these infernal fingerings work again? Ha!

A couple years ago, I learned "Beautiful Dreamer" on harmonica as a special feature for a CD. (Have a listen here!) It was fun to pull it out again and attempt a new song. I'm working on "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," though the high pitches tend to annoy Pruitt after a few minutes. ;)

Lockdown blues


Sidewalk chalk has proven to be a popular thing lately. I think it's wonderful for children and adults alike to spread some joy via pavement pictures. But of course, there are countless drawing mediums to choose from - pencil, ink, oil pastel, marker. Take your pick!


Stories are a perfect way to escape the present. My current read is Ross Poldark (the first book of the Winston Graham series which inspired the PBS Masterpiece production), and it has me swooning all over again. For some lighter reading, I'm very much enjoying Nancy Drew's Secret of the Old Clock, recommended by a friend. Thank you, dear Anna!

If you would like to delve into a classic like Pride and Prejudice, I highly suggest the PragerU Book Club as a follow up to your reading. They take a delightfully fresh, modern look at an old work.


While we may not invent the next light bulb during our time at home, we can still use this opportunity to get creative. My mind has been swimming with ideas for piano arrangements, which is really encouraging because I thought I had hit a musical dry spell this year. Inspiration can strike at any moment, you just have to be ready for it.

We can also get creative in the kitchen. This weekend, I baked homemade pop tarts, using some apples that had been frozen for heaven-knows-how-long. I didn't look at a single recipe.. I just wanted to prove to myself that I could create something purely by my own wits. Now sure, they ended up a bit giant in size, and their edges are a tad irregular, but overall, I'm pleased with the effort.


When all else fails, take a walk. If it's raining out, we can do crunches and push-ups from the comfort of home (girly push-ups are perfectly acceptable!)

With all these things to do, there's scarcely a chance to get bored. May 26 will be here in no time. Hang in there!

Thank you for stopping by,



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