Hi all! I have a few different blog posts sitting in my draft box that need finishing touches. Pictures, sentences to rephrase, etc. I don't know if it's the summer heat getting to me or what, but my brain is feeling a bit stuck. And alas, those finishing touches remain unfinished. (Maybe I blew a fuse thinking about strawberry recipes too much. Ha!)

For today's post, I'm going to be lackadaisical and do what I've seen other bloggers do - a link list. These are some of the things I've been reading on the "interwebs" this week. Hope you enjoy the assortment!
How to make a perfectly flaky pie crust from King Arthur Flour. The special ingredient is sour cream... who knew?
Praise for the loose-fitting dress by interior designer Erin Gates (Elements of Style Blog). I love this idea for the warmer months. Usually, I'm all for tailored and form-fitting, but a breezy style for summer has its appeal.
Magnolia is opening a coffee shop! Read more about it from Joanna Gaines herself. I cannot wait to see this happen.
Another thing I absolutely cannot wait for (additional italics intentional) is the Poldark Season 5 Premiere. *swoon* I just heard that the U.S. air date is going to be Sunday, September 29! (Britain gets to see it first, of course. Oh, the injustice!)
The best times of day to drink water, according to this article by Camille Styles
Have a splendid weekend!
'Til next time,